Tuesday, July 28, 2009

George’s Secret Key to the Universe Week 9

Hello All!

Eric leaves Annie and George an excellent description of black holes, which is no surprise since one of the authors of our book, Dr. Stephen Hawking, is a world famous astrophysicist. He has studied black holes for many years. We are lucky to have him sharing his knowledge with us in such a fun and interesting way. Another super cool thing about Dr. Hawking is that he is sharing his newest discoveries about black holes –Hawking Radiation. Astronomers have just learned about stuff coming back out of a black hole in the last few years. They used to believe that anything that went into a black hole was lost forever!

Black holes are often the results of supernova explosions, but the charts in Chapter 26 also talk about neutron stars. A neutron star is very different from the yellow-dwarf star we call the sun. Look at the picture of the neutron star – you can see the huge cloud of dust and gasses that is surrounding it. That is what’s left of the huge star that exploded in a supernova. And the cloud is blown out in sphere around the new neutron star – sent in every direction by the powerful supernova explosion!

Almost done – Keep reading!
