Thursday, August 13, 2009

Moonlight Bike Ride August 22nd

Join us for the 6th Annual Discovery Center Moonlight Bike Ride. Enjoy the pre-party in the Discovery Center parking lot from 8-9pm with music and Astronomy activities and Springfield Astronomical Society. Line up at 9:15pm to ride the streets of Springfield. The route is a 7 mile route or go around twice and do 14 miles. After the ride enjoy pancakes from Village Inn. If you pre-register at Discovery Center or through the first 100 registered will get a headlight from Sunshine Bike Shop. If you are one of the 1st 200 registered you can be guaranteed a t-shirt. Registration is $20 for adults (15+) and $15 children (3-14). Day of the ride registration will increase by $5.00.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

George’s Secret Key to the Universe Week 10

Hello Again!

Finally we have made it to the end of George’s amazing adventure. They rescued Eric from the black hole and got back to school in time to get to the science competition. What did you think about the way Cosmos saved Eric? Would that have worked? In real life George and Annie would have had to wait billions of years for all those particles to come out and the black hole to explode. Scientifically, there was probably no way for Eric to ever be put back together again after going into the black hole, even if all his particles came flying out – that was definitely fiction. But, the idea that what goes into a black hole comes back out is fairly new science and it is exciting to read about new discoveries in our book.

What did you think of George’s science presentation? He says that if we don’t understand science we will not be able to make good decisions in the future. Do you agree? What are some things you’ve learned in science class that you think help you now or in the future? And what do think of George’s description of how the universe was created? Most scientist agree that his description is true and I personally think it is very exciting to imagine that all the things around us were once inside a giant star, burning and churning and waiting to be exploded out across space. It makes me feel like a special part of a huge cosmic plan!

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading George’s Secret Key to the Universe, and be sure to watch for the sequel called George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt. It is already in libraries and bookstores for you to read!

Have a great school year and learn lots of SCIENCE!
